BeCrop Portal: Account and Login

Introduction to BeCrop Portal

Once you have become a Biome Makers client, you will be granted exclusive access to the BeCrop Portal platform. This app has been created so that our customers can consult their results through any device and anywhere. 

BeCrop Portal offers you many tools that you can use to analyze your samples and obtain data that you can apply when making agricultural decisions. These tools allow you to make comparisons between your samples, for example, analyze two plots in order to see if the agricultural practice you are using has had the benefits you had assumed or if you should improve any of the variables.  

Watch the video tutorial 

Our specialist Gus Plamann explains how to login in BeCrop Portal in the following video: 

Creating an account in BeCrop Portal

Once you become a customer, you will receive an invitation to the email you provided when made the purchase. Check your email for a BeCrop Portal Invitation that may have already been sent to you. Be sure to check your Promotions and spam folders.


⚠️ Remember to use a password you can remember, we can send you a link to change your password in case you lost it.  


Where you should add your information for future login on the platform. When finish just click on "SIGN UP" and you would have finished with you account creation.


⚠️ Use the link you receive on the email. Creating a new profile instead of accepting an existing invitation may result in information access issues. 

Login with your account in BeCrop Portal

Now you have an account and you would like to log in. To do it, you just need to come to this website.

Then, you just need to type your email and password and you will access to BeCrop Portal.

Download BeCrop Portal app

Knowledge base - BeCrop Portal - App logo

BeCrop Portal is also available to use it on your phone or tablet. Just click on the following links to see the app and login with your account: 

IOS devices (Apple)

Android devices