BeCrop Portal Tools: Metric BoxPlot

Discovering samples raw data distribution

Use Raw Rank Box Plot (Metric WBP) tool to discover the raw data distribution of your samples grouped by clusters. For example to answer the following questions: 

    • What is the minimum and maximum value in your own customized clusters?
    • Are there similar values in the indexes of my report for different sample clusters?
    • Which is the index that differentiates my biodynamic parcel from the other ones?

Watch the full video tutorial about the tool

Our specialist Gus Plamann explains the tool in detail in the following video: 


Creating clusters

Watch the video and read for more information: 


As you can see in the image, you must first select which samples you want to add to each cluster. Just click on the "down arrow". Each time you click a number will appear, this number indicates the cluster in which you are going to add the sample. In the image you can see that the samples from the "DEMO-CS" plot will be part of cluster "1" and the samples from the "Stone-VE" plot will be part of cluster "2". 


Knowledge Base - BeCrop Portal Tools - Clustering-1

On the bottom of the page you can see each cluster composition, as the following picture you can see: 

Knowledge Base - BeCrop Portal Tools - Clustering_2

💾 You can save your cluster by clicking on the disk icon on the left of the compare button.

When you have saved your cluster configuration you can load it by clicking on "Load Saved Configurations" (check the following picture to see where it is located) 


Knowledge Base - BeCrop Portal Tool - Clustering_3

📊 Once you create your clusters, then is time to compare and analyse.  So just click on "COMPARE" to see the results.