
How is the sampling and frequent questions

The first thing you should do once you have contracted a BeCrop service is to take samples. Here you will find questions and answers so that you can solve all your doubts about how to collect your samples correctly.

Watch the video to learn how to collect samples:


Learn how to take samples 

Our team member Meri Lillia Mullins to teach you how to take samples.

Do I need any special equipment for sampling?

We will send you a sampling kit with the tubes you require for your project

No special equipment is needed but we recommend you use gloves and sanitize the trowel with ethanol, allowing it to dry before and between sample collections.


How should I take the samples?

These are composite samples. You can put 3-12 spoonfuls of soil in each sample tube from various parts of the block. The ideal sampling depth is around 6 inches. Make sure the soil is as dry as possible avoid sampling right under the drip emitter.

  • The sampling depth should be 2-6 inches (5-15 cm)
  • Fruit crops: The distance from the plant trunk (if applicable) should be around 60 cm or 24 inches
  • Vineyards & Super intensive fruit crops: Distance from the plant should be 30 cm or 12 inches

How much surface can I cover with one sample?

Our samples are composite, which means that each tube should contain subsamples from 3 to 12 locations in the same block in order to make the sample truly representative of our study.

Optimal resolution is derived from 1-2 acres, but in very uniform soils the surface covered per sample can be increased without a significant loss of representativity. 

It is important that each sampling area has uniform soil characteristics (pH, texture), and management practices (fertilizer applications, irrigation, etc.).

How much soil do you need per sample? 

We provide sampling tubes and a sampling spoon to facilitate soil collection. The amount of soil needed is approximately ¼ of the tube. The amount we request you send is 5gr.  per sample. 

How many samples do I need to provide?

The number of samples required depends on the specific questions you want to be answered. This will be assessed before the sampling to ensure you’re provided with the appropriate solutions.

Are there any problems when doing analysis due to incorrect sampling?

Once you send us the soil sample, properly following the sampling instructions that will be sent with the sampling kit, there should not be any problems. Problems arise from sample contamination, which usually occurs when you send samples containing other elements than soil or do not follow the sampling instructions properly.

Is there any document that I can print?

Here you can download a flyer about how to do the sampling and the rest of the process.  


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