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Ordering process

Common questions before and after make a purchase

Depending on whether you want to buy BeCrop Test or BeCrop Trial the process varies, especially when it comes to contracting the service. 

Learn more about BeCrop Test and BeCrop Trials

Buying BeCrop Test

For BeCrop Test, whenever your project needs less than 10 samples you can contact the service through our eCommerce / online shop.  In case you want to hire more than 10 analyses, it is best that you contact one of our specialists so that they can advise you on exactly how many samples you need. 

BeCrop Test: How many tests do I need?

We recommend 1 test for each management zone of any given crop. 

Example 1: If you’re growing corn and have 2 management zones, then we suggest getting 2 BeCrop Tests. Example 2: If you’re growing corn in 1 management zone and wheat in 2 management zones, then we recommend 3 BeCrop Tests.

BeCrop Test: What is a management zone?

Management zones are areas within a field that have similar yield potential. However, this similar performance can be due to a variety of different reasons, including soil type, elevation, and weather conditions within or between years. Because each zone responds differently to inputs, we recommend getting 1 test per zone.

Buying BeCrop Trials

To contract the BeCrop Trials service, as it is a more complex process due to its statistical power, you will need the advice of one of our specialists, who will carry out a study of your project and will provide you with a customized proposal. To do so, you only need to contact us.  

⚠️To contract our services you must indicate the crops you want to analyze as well as the number of plots and their measurements. 

Why is my crop type important?

BeCrop reports are crop-specific. Our high-precision reports offer specific disease risks and other metrics that affect a given crop. For this reason we ask for your crop type during the checkout process.

How long does it take to receive my results?

Once the sample is sent, it takes around 2-6 weeks to process. Lead times do vary depending on the sample quality, number of samples, location, and shipping times.


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