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BeCrop Test Results: Nutrition (Minor Nutrients)

Learn more about the nutrition section

The last section of the BeCrop Test report is on how the soil microbiome affects nutrient availability to crops. In this article, we will focus on minor nutrients.

📖  You can also find all this information in our BeCrop Guide in BeCrop Portal 

Minor Nutrients

Elements with less influence on the crop’s nutritional status yet still serve important roles in plant growth and development.

Iron (Iron Mobilization) 

eng_IronIron is the fourth most abundant element found in soil though it is largely present in forms that cannot be taken up by plants. Previously solubilized Iron is essential for microbial enzymatic structures and activities such as nitrogen fixation.

MEDIUM to HIGH values indicate a sufficient potential for iron microbial assimilation.


Calcium (Calcium Transport) 

eng_CalciumCalcium contributes to soil fertility by regulating the assimilation of other nutrients. Calcium deficiency symptoms in crops are usually caused by low calcium availability or water stress which result in low transpiration rates.

HIGH microbial transport of calcium helps to maintain the physical properties of the soil and to stabilize soil structure.


Zinc (Zinc Transport Equilibrium) 

eng_ZincZinc is a micronutrient that plants need in small amounts, yet it is crucial to correct plant development. It is key for the constitution of many proteins and enzymes and is essential for hormone production processes. Deficiency in zinc can reduce crop yield by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency occur.

Microbes are indicators of zinc problems through alterations of import/export processes to their cells, indicating a sufficient potential for iron microbial mobilization. MEDIUM values are optimal for plant development.


Copper (Copper Export)

eng_CuCopper is one of the micronutrients needed in very small quantities by plants. It is rarely limiting, and excesses can be toxic. Copper toxicities can negatively impact crop growth and quality. Microbes are good indicators of copper excesses through export mechanisms.

VERY HIGH values indicate potential Copper toxicity.




Manganese (Manganese Transport Equilibrium)

eng_ManganeseManganese contributes to some biological systems, including photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen assimilation. Manganese deficiency is a widespread problem, most often occurring in sandy soils, organic soils with a pH above 6, and heavily weathered tropical soils. Microbes are indicators of manganese problems through alterations of import/ export processes to their cells.

MEDIUM values are optimal for plant development.


Magnesium (Magnesium Transport)

eng_MagnesiumMagnesium is the central molecule of Chlorophyll, a nutrient involved in many enzyme activities and the structural stabilization of tissues. It plays a key role in phosphorus transportation to where it is needed and the use of iron. It is crucial for the uptake of nutrients and for nitrogen fixation.

High values of magnesium transport by microbes are optimal.


Sulfur (Sulfur Cycle Equilibrium)

eng_SulfurSulfur is an essential nutrient that plants need in sufficient amounts to maintain good health and achieve high yields. It is found in organic matter, but it is not available to plants in this form, so it must go through mineralization and cycling processes. It is crucial for chlorophyll formation, and it is an active agent in the metabolism of nitrogen.


MEDIUM to HIGH values indicate a healthy balanced functioning of the Sulfur cycle.


Chlorine (Chlorine Transport) 

eng_ChlorineChlorine is an important micronutrient that takes part in several physiological metabolic processes such as in disease resistance and tolerance, as well as in fruit quality and crop yields.

MEDIUM to HIGH levels of microbial transport help sustain a good equilibrium of this micronutrient. Soils may become deficient in chlorine if rainfall is high, or plants are irrigated too frequently, especially in sandy soils.


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Frequent questions related to BeCrop Reports 

Here are some of the FAQs; remember that you can read all of them by clicking here 📚.

How long does it take to receive results? 

Result delivery takes approximately 3 weeks. Lead times vary depending on the sample quality, number of samples, location, and shipping times.

How are scores calculated in reports?

The ratings on BeCrop reports reflects how each sample compares to the BMK database of soil samples. The score is compared across samples in the database from only that specific crop type. This allows us to provide more accurate and relevant conclusions. 

What is functionality data and how do I use it?

Functionality data describes the specific roles that microbes play in the soil. It describes the ecological roles through which microbes support plant growth, boost yield, and promote nutrient retention in the soil, among many other benefits. 

Do you provide any resources for result interpretation?

Yes, we offer our BeCrop Guide, which is a document providing layman definitions and basic guidelines for interpretation of the BeCrop report. Our agronomy staff is also available for a short virtual consultation call to review sample results and address any technical questions. Our BeCrop Advisor Program and online webinars, case studies, and blog articles also provide additional opportunities to learn how to interpret and leverage BeCrop results in agronomic practice. 

What are the practical applications of the results?

BeCrop Tests serve a wide variety of practical applications. They can be used to identify and address problems involving soilborne pathogens, microbial nutrient mobilization, and crop stress tolerance. BeCrop Tests can also inform soil health focused management practices, evaluate biological agriculture inputs, and identify areas of potential improvement to bolster yield and reduce input costs. 

What does the F/B ratio tell us about? How can this index be interpreted?

Bacteria, which have a lower C:N ratio than fungi, need food rich in nitrogen (e.g. green manure, legume residues). A fertilizer with a low C:N ratio, therefore, favors the bacterial community in a soil, whereas a substrate with a relatively high C:N ratio enables growth of the fungal population.

Due to their structure and C:N ratio between 7:1 and 25:1, fungi need a greater amount of carbon to grow and reproduce and will therefore 'collect' the required amount of carbon available for this from the soil organic matter. Bacteria, however, have a lower C:N ratio (between 5:1 and 7:1) and a higher nitrogen requirement and take more nitrogen from the soil for their own requirements.

What type of correlation exists between BeCrop indexes and performance metrics like germination rate, root growth, nutrient use efficiency, etc?

It would be imprecise to give an answer for specific nutrient results to predict germination rates or rates of growth for a specific crop as there are many other external factors that can affect this, like location and soil type, etc, but our technology can serve as an informative tool to predict yield or other rates if used in a trial manner, as can be seen in this study: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mSphere.00130-21


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