On-Demand Webinar

DNA Soil Testing:

Retailers Addressing Grower Questions on Biostimulant Products


Join us for an informative webinar as we dig into how DNA tools change how growers understand and use their ag input products. In this session, soil health specialist Meri Lillia Mullins, shares her insights and expertise on harnessing DNA soil testing tools to provide actionable solutions to grower queries.

CEUs: CCA/CPAg: 1.0 Sustainability


What You’ll Learn ↓

Watch On-Demand!

Whether you are a seasoned agricultural professional or new to the world of biostimulants and DNA soil testing, this webinar is designed to provide you and your clients with actionable data. Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of agricultural innovation and make more informed, sustainable, and profitable decisions.

In this webinar, we explore:



Meri Mullins

Technical Account Manager USA
Biome Makers Inc.