Live Webinar

Biofertilizers as an important tool in agriculture

Sept 28, 2022

In this webinar, we have discussed the Biome Makers Initiative Fields4Ever Project, Biofertilizers as an important tool to reduce inputs of traditional fertilizers as it meets agronomical and environmental aspects. Project leader, Raul Ortega Perez from the ​​Department of Agronomy at the University of Almería, visited with Biome Makers EU agronomists, Ifigenia Urbina, and Juan Carlos Crespo Rivas and discussed the results of the project.


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The University of Almeria, through the RNM-934 (AGROMA) research group, utilized BeCrop® Technology to analyze biofertilizers as an important tool to reduce the inputs of traditional synthetic fertilizers and improve the quality and productivity of tomato crops. The excessive use of synthetic fertilizers has significant economic and environmental costs. Although, the use of biological products may help to decrease the need for inorganic fertilizers, which could result in more sustainable crops with fewer costs.

The results from this project showed +33% in Fruits with a higher size (caliber) and +52% economic yields. The project provides clear research and discovery to encourage growers to transition from intensive agriculture with a large focus on ag input application to more sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

In this webinar, you can learn more about:


Ifigenia Urbina

Ifigenia Urbina

Sr. Agronomist, EU
Biome Makers Inc.

Juan Carlos Crespo

Juan Carlos Crespo Rivas

Agronomist, EU
Biome Makers

Raul Ortega Perez

Department of Agronomy
University of Almería

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