Case Study

Impact of Biological Input on Turfgrass

The challenge of maintaining soil health and microbial diversity in the context of turfgrass management is of growing concern. This study investigated whether the Replenish Nutrients Rebuilder formula can enhance soil biology at Indian Springs Golf Course, compared to the standard grower fertilizer program.

The Rebuilder formula is a regenerative fertilizer that contains a variety of nutrients sourced from rock phosphate, elemental sulphur, and compost. The product is designed to promote more resilient and healthier turf and agricultural systems.


The Solution

Replenish Nutrients completed BeCrop® Trials to analyze the product’s benefits on turfgrass in Montana, USA.

The Rebuilder formula was applied on two fairways, with the remaining course utilizing a synthetic fertilizer program. Soil samples were taken before application and three times after application. The treatments include 166 lbs/acre of Rebuilder and an equivalent synthetic fertilizer application. BeCrop® Trials provided insight into the functionality, hormone production, and stress adaption potential of each of the treatments.


The Rebuilder formula improved the soil biology in 36 microbiome categories as identified by the BeCrop® Technology.

Here are some of the highlights:

1. Improvement in Plant Health Microbes: The application of Rebuilder improved the microbial communities of auxin, EPS (Exopolysaccharides), ACC-deaminase (1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate deaminase), salicylic acid, and salt tolerance promoting microbes.

2. Improved Phytohormone (PGR producer) Metrics: The Rebuilder treatment increased the microbes that support various plant growth regulators (PGR).

3. Improved Nutrient Cycling: Rebuilder showed the most statistically significant favorable changes in P and K cycling and organic matter release (decomposition).


For more information on this case study, check out the webinar with Biome Makers and Replenish Nutrients.

WATCH NOW! Transforming Turf: Breakthroughs in Golf Course Health with Replenish Nutrients and BeCrop®

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