Case Study

Napa Valley Vineyard Management Practices

A vine-grower from Napa Valley noticed the health of his crops was declining with low plant productivity, but could not figure out why. He was spending a lot of money on crop protection to fight diseases with no return on yield.

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Results by the numbers


$ Saved Per Acre


% Saved Per Year

The Solution

The grower completed a BeCrop® Test to check the biological quality of the soil. BeCrop® confirmed a low biological quality and the presence of only 1 disease risk in the soil, perhaps from the excess of crop protection inputs. Low soil bioactivity started to impact plant growth. Biome Makers agronomists recommended reducing and customizing crop protection practices to increase farm sustainability.


The vine-grower was able to tailor his crop protection practices to the soil's needs. Overall, the vineyard increased farm sustainability and gained a huge advantage from BeCrop® with ROI: +170%.

Featured Product

BeCrop Test

The most advanced biological soil testing.

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