Case Study

Reducing Corn Input Costs by 20% and Boosting Long-Term Yield with Soil Health Insights

To help business thrive, each generation of farmers is looking toward the next generation of farming technology. The best retailers and co-ops must, therefore, keep up with the latest tech, in order to offer the most relevant guidance to farmers, optimize inputs, and improve on-farm ROI. 

Leveraging AI-based BeCrop® Technology, retailers have the most advanced biological soil analytics at their fingertips to make data-driven recommendations. BeCrop® Test provides insights into the soil's biological nutrient cycling pathways, identifies the potential for improvement, detects disease risk early, and helps guide better input recommendations for any crop, on any field.


Results by the numbers


Savings on Nitrogen


Revenue Gain/Acre


Net Gain/Acre

The Problem

A corn and soybean farmer was looking for input advice from his local retailer. As a fifth-generation farmer, he recognized how healthy soil management can affect long-term farm success and ensure a prosperous business for generations to come. So the retailer not only had the responsibility to help choose the right inputs to sustain the land and crops but also to help sustain and preserve the family’s legacy.

The Solution

To determine which inputs would best fit the needs of this Midwestern US corn farm and the goals of the farming family, the retailer sought the data-backed insights of BeCrop® Test. The testing data would enable the retailer to provide custom soil input recommendations, based on a deep understanding of the biological health of the soil. In this way, the retailer could help the farmer address soil problems field by field, choose the precise inputs for his soils’ needs, and achieve his corn crop’s full potential.


Based on the BeCrop® data, the retailer’s recommendations helped the farmer save money on input overapplication, increase yield and revenue, while also improving soil resilience and water retention. The farmer achieved a 10% revenue gain ($110/acre) while reducing nitrogen usage by 20% ($34/acre). Overall, his net gain was $108.18/acre for an ROI of 4X. After 3 years, the farmer also reported a 40-90 bushel gain. He also continued to experience greater yield improvements over a 3-year timeframe.

The BeCrop® Test data enabled this retailer to make evidence-backed input recommendations by gaining a deep understanding of the soil microbiome functions. Through better input management, the farmer was able to accurately address the needs of his soil to reduce costs and significantly increase yields and profits. 

4 Key Takeaways

BeCrop® Biological Soil Testing:

  • Provides a data-driven understanding of soil microbiome functions
  • Removes the guesswork from input recommendations 
  • Optimizes crop inputs to increase yields and reduce costs
  • Builds lasting, trusted partnerships between retailers and generations of farmers
Featured Product

BeCrop Test

The most advanced biological soil testing.

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