Virtual Product Launch

BeCrop® Farm: Revolutionizing agriculture with agronomic insights and product recommendations

Watch the virtual launch of BeCrop® Farm and take part in a live demo of this innovative platform that empowers the industry to interpret soil biology insights and provide precise recommendations tailored to any crop, any field, anywhere. 


What You’ll Learn ↓

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Traditional methods often fail to translate soil testing results into actionable strategies. BeCrop® Farm identifies specific areas needing attention, whether for nutrient deficiencies, disease risks, or other critical factors. The platform also suggests what category of product you should apply (biostimulants, biofertilizers, etc.). It identifies where to apply it, positioning you in the best place for the next growing season.

Meet the founders Adrián Ferrero and Dr. Alberto Acedo, the brilliant minds behind BeCrop®, and learn how they are using technology to change the world.

Agenda Highlights:


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Dr. Alberto Acedo

Co-Founder and CSO
Biome Makers

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Adrian Ferrero

Co-Founder and CEO
Biome Makers


Sarah Basiri

Global Head of Marketing
Biome Makers


John Appel

Head of Sales
Biome Makers


Esteban Sánchez

Head of Digital Product
Biome Makers